Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Sippably" Smooth

You know eating your fruits and veggies is important to your health, but if following the FDA’s recommendation to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at every meal just doesn’t seem doable, try filling your glass with them instead.

Having a fruit-filled (or even veggie-filled!) smoothie to start your day is a great way to get a head start on getting all of those recommended servings. And unlike juicing, you’re getting the nutrition of the entire fruit, rather than just squeezing out the juice and tossing the pulp and skin, which can be filled with important nutrients, fibers, and antioxidants. Include Ultimate ProFIT® in your smoothie to give that nutritious, natural fruit a boost of superior protein, mood-elevating superfoods, and even more fiber!

Here’s a great tasting Strawberry Banana Ultimate ProFIT smoothie recipe to get you started!

Want to try even more delicious Ultimate ProFIT smoothie recipes? Check out the online FITworks Community to get fitness and nutrition tips from the It Works! FITcoach, healthy recipes and meal plan ideas, and connect with new friends who are on the same path to better health and nutrition as you!

Dr. Don's Top Three Tools

Two: Alkalize

Remember when I asked you in my previous blog, “What’s the answer to the health care crisis?” I answered, “Dr. Don’s Top Three Tools: Detoxify, Alkalize, and Supplement!” Today let’s talk about how to alkalize your body.

You see, your body is either acidic or alkaline. An acidic body is a set up for just about every kind of disease. Free radical damage flourishes in an acidic body and can lead to aging and all of the diseases of aging, which are called chronic degenerative diseases.

What causes an acidic body? The list will sound familiar I’m sure. Junk foods, excess sugar, fried foods, and even stress can cause acidification and set you up for health problems. How do we most effectively avoid acidification? Certainly avoiding the causes we just referred to is advisable. However, the best way to avoid an acidic body is to alkalize!

Basically, animal foods, meat, and dairy are acidifying, whereas plants, such as fruits and vegetables, are alkalizing. Grains are slightly acidifying. It turns out that the super foods for alkalizing are green foods. The deeper the green, the more effective the alkalizing effect. When your body stays alkaline, it is much easier for the immune system to do its job of keeping you healthy.

Staying properly hydrated is also essential to keeping your body alkaline. A dehydrated body is an acidic body. I recommend drinking one half your weight in ounces of purified water each day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need 75 ounces of water daily.

Today is the best day to start to become a lean, green, disease- fighting machine. Green foods are loaded with minerals, especially magnesium and potassium, which are not consumed in adequate amounts by most Americans. Choose salads every chance you can, especially ones made with darker lettuces, such as romaine.

As you begin your journey to alkalization, include Greens™ to support this nutritious diet. This alkalizing drink powder is packed with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables and 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods in every scoop. Greens is powered by an acidity-fighting blend of magnesium and potassium—those two important minerals that most of us aren’t getting enough of—to support an alkaline balance within your body. In two delicious flavors—orange or berry—and three different size options, you have all kinds of ways to get your daily Greens!

Stop back next week to learn about my third tool, supplement!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dr. Don's Top Three Tools

Three: Supplement

Previously, I asked “What’s the answer to the health care crisis?” Do you remember the answer? It’s “Dr. Don’s Top Three Tools.” Tool number one for improving your health is to DETOXIFY, especially by removing excess fat, which is where those toxins can hide. Tool number two is ALKALIZE. An alkaline body has a much stronger resistance to sickness and disease, so you’ll stay healthier in the first place. Today let’s talk about tool number three, SUPPLEMENT.

Why should you supplement? Well, unless you are eating two to three freshly picked organic fruits, four to six freshly harvested vegetables, and only 100% whole grains grown on non-depleted soils—365 days a year —it is likely you are lacking essential nutrients. Those are the vitamins and minerals your body cannot make; they must be obtained through your diet. Even if you are eating a large number of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day, those foods just don’t contain the level of nutrients they used to before modern farming and food processing took their toll on nutrition.

So how do you supplement your diet? With so many products and so much information out there, it can become truly confusing. However, the starting point is really simple. Begin by taking a balanced, complete multivitamin and mineral supplement every day. This is not an option if you want to enjoy great health.

Let me illustrate this point by asking you a question. What would you say is the most important nutrient for your health? It’s the one that’s missing! Of course it is! But which one is that? You could spend several thousands of dollars trying to find out, or, for a fraction of that amount, you can give your body all the known essential nutrients required each day in the form of a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement.

You can meet all of your vital nutrition needs with the essential vitamins, minerals, superior calcium absorption, and triple-strength support for heart health found in It’s Vital™ Complete Nutrition Pack. One premeasured packet provides you with the daily nutrition of three supplements: the cutting-edge multivitamin It’s Vital™ Core Nutrition, It’s Vital™ Omega-3 with the essential fatty acids that are so important for a healthy heart, and the premium, sea-algae derived mineral blend of It’s Vital™ Minerals.

Supplementing is not an option; it’s a necessity for good health, especially during these warm summer months when you are more likely to be active and perspiring more. This means your body uses and loses more minerals and nutrients. By starting your day with It’s Vital Complete Nutrition Pack, you’ll be sure your body is getting the vitamins, minerals, and core nutrients it needs to stay strong all day long.

Now you know my top three tools for achieving and maintaining good health. Make them your tools, too! They will help you achieve your long-term health goals. Make a decision today to DETOXIFY, ALKALIZE, and SUPPLEMENT your way to better health. Your body will thank you for it!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

Our Greens have The best probiotics in them! You can order them by going to :
Check out this Article on probiotics and anxiety and depression!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Web Site!

I have a new web site with a ton of information!

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Testimonial...

At the time that I found It Works! Global I was so burnt out on trying numerous home based businesses. However at the same time I was working on a job the I absolutely hated. Besides, the older I get the more "Psychologically Unemployable" I become. I was getting very worried about my future being just a few years from 50 years old and no retirement plan or savings account. I just
prayed and believed that God had a plan.

One day I was on face book and I kept seeing an acquaintance from a past failed business posting before and after pics with these amazing results in a short 45 minute time. I thought "that cant be real" I called to inquire. As she began to tell me about this crazy wrap thangI just felt this sinking feeling come over we go again! But at the
same time I could here the calm voice of Holy Spirit saying "just try one more thing one more time". Before I even realized it I was completing the Distributor agreement and ordering product to start yet another business venture.

There was something different about this business that I just could not explain, but it didn't take me long to know that this was the one. God did answer my prayers indeed!! 2 weeks after joining I lost my job. 2 days after that my car went haywire and would only drive 25 miles an hour...TOP SPEED!! But God had a plan and I was ready to accept it.

Over the next few months I experienced some of the most trying and hardest challenges of my whole life. Lost job, car troubles, a family of 7 with 5 small kids comes to live with me in my small 3 bedroom home that I already share with my mother and teenage daughter. What I thought was going to be a couple of weeks turned into 10 months. My only child, my 16 year old daughter began to act out and get physical with me so I had to send her to live with her father in another state. Not only did that cut into my heart and soul but also, cut the little bit of child support that was coming in. I was sick for 2 months straight and couldn't really get out the way I wanted to. Everything that could go wrong did. But through it all, my business continued to grow. I was having the best financial explosion of my life.

Things began to turn around with the new year. I went to conference in Tampa FL. where It Works! announced the G.O.O.D. Bonus of $10,000 when you reached the position of Diamond. I was 2 levels away at conference on January 19th 2012, I came home and in 12 days promoted up 2 levels to get the G.O.O.D. Bonus. The very next month I promoted again to the next level of Double Diamond for another raise in income. By June on 2012 I earned more money in 6 months than on any 2 jobs in a whole year. It Works! Global has changed my life in so many ways. I thank God everyday for this wonderful blessing he has allowed me to be a part of.

My wish is to bless others with the same opportunity the was given to me in hopes that it will change the lives of many!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Get Skinny!

Ask me today about my wraps! Visit